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Publié dans Le Maghreb le 06 - 10 - 2012

3M ALGERIA are seeking an :
Professional services for North Africa Region
We are a science based innovator company of various technological products, from adhesives to health care to security, and just about everything in between.
We are currently seeking a professional service person for North Africa region.
This position will be responsible for, but not limited to:
- Provide specialist technical support to customers on Infection Prevention and Medical diagnostic best practices and 3M Solutions.
- Provide specialist technical support to HC business leaders to drive growth in the Infection Prevention business.
- Help to establish a Medical Diagnostic platform.
- Analyze customer processes to identify pain points and opportunities for new businesses.
- Identify and develop a key opinion leader network to support the growth of the Infection Prevention business.
Person Profile:
Medical degree (Surgeon, Nurse, Infection Control….)
3 to10 years experience in surgical practice with specialization in the operating room
Hands-on experience of working with healthcare practitioners at all levels.
Experience in training and lecturing to healthcare professionals.
Experience of working on regulatory bodies in the healthcare sector.
Experience in identifying technical data of interest from the published literature.
In depth knowledge of the processes used in the hospital and OR environment.
In depth knowledge of infection prevention regulations and practices in healthcare
Fluent in English (written and oral).
Arabic -(written and oral).
Fluent French (written and oral).
Employment benefits:
- Interesting salary package
- Working in an international environment
- Strong evolution perspectives
Primary Location:
- Algiers
Job Type:

3M ALGERIA are seeking an:
Trained Paramedical Personnel
We are a science based innovator company of various technological products, from adhesives to health care to security, and just about everything in between.
We are currently seeking a Technical service person for North Africa region.
This position will be responsible for, but not limited to:
- Provide specialist technical support to customers on Infection Prevention and Medical diagnostic best practices and 3M Solutions.
- Provide specialist technical support to HC business leaders to drive growth in the Infection Prevention business.
- Help to establish a Medical Diagnostic platform.
- Analyze customer processes to identify pain points and opportunities for new businesses.
- Identify and develop a key opinion leader network to support the growth of the Infection Prevention business.
Person Profile:
- Medical degree (Surgeon, Nurse, Infection Control….)
- 3 to10 years experience in surgical practice with specialization in the operating room environment.
- Hands-on experience of working with healthcare practitioners at all levels.
- Experience in training and lecturing to healthcare professionals.
- Experience of working on regulatory bodies in the healthcare sector.
- Experience in identifying technical data of interest from the published literature.
- Knowledge in depth knowledge of the processes used in the hospital and OR environment,in depth knowledge of infection prevention regulations and practices in healthcar facilities.
- Fluent in English, Arab, French (written and oral).
Key Capabilities:
- Ability to communicate effectively with healthcare practitioners at all levels.
- Ability to effectively present technical concepts to Healthcare professionals.
- Ability to effectively train and educate internal and external customers.
- Self-driven, dynamic, proactive approach.
- Structured & well organized approach with ability to multi-task.
- Good commercial awareness.
- First rate communication and presentation skills (written and oral).
- Good inter-personal contact skills.
- Ability to work in an international environment with different cultures and work methods.
- Ability to work in teams – cross-functional and multicultural.
- Capable of working with healthcare thought leaders and developing strategies to use them to drive business growth.
Autres Informations :
Référence : Emlpoi Partner-1762
Nbr poste : 1
Secteur : Santé Hopital
Niveau : Bac +5
Expérience : 3 ans
Type de contrat : indifférent,
Salaire : Indéfini
Nom du contact :
Mail : Postuler
Tel : 021680296
Fax :

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