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Does life educate people, or schools have taken this job already?
Publié dans Liberté le 29 - 12 - 2017

The most common expression that dwells in the Algerian society is School of life. Passed on from father to son through the experiences that they've went through all together, or from the stories that are told in the gatherings. That's what makes the young people, the men of the future. But this path seems to be at the intersection with scholar institutions. In which the educational system is also responsible for the guidance of the young generations.
This is where the debate all started. Some claims that the idea of academic institutions is the only way of molding the young people capacities in which there is a system that controls the growth of its students, provide a healthy environment as well as helping them improve. What comes afterwards, are the promises of securing a high position, embracing success or a job to be maintained. Other disagree, saying that school aren't a necessity, the entourage that surrounds the youth and the circumstances that are to given to each individual is what they call, the school of life. Through the observation of each element that composes their environments, the advice and the instruction given by their families and the daily practical activities are what forge their personalities as well as enhancing Their vision and widen Their experience. But let us look closely to the outcome of each approach.
The first one will give birth to a qualified young generation that are approved with a diploma of their profession. They received sufficient guidance to continue on their own in order to reach their objectives and open many portals of success in their lives as well as climbing the ladder in terms of seeking knowledge. But somehow, they stay on the theoretical stage. In which the education system is always put into question. Because what lies afterwards, is the transition to the practical stage. Without forgetting the minor chances of securing a job that is attached directly to the future of each person in Algeria and also the main issue that bothers each Algerian which consist of: academic degree doesn't define their intelligence.
The second one, will set the person in the middle of the practice with few notions, basic instructions or speculations from other experiences which aren't totally in coherence with the level of challenges that he'll face. It's more of an experimental stage, testing the abilities of the individual in adapting with each situation and dealing with many issues throughout the time and each experience will distinguish one person from another so there won't be any copies. This method is very effective in shaping strong leaders and responsible youth. Still its somehow limited in pursuing bigger dreams and goals in Algeria. A restrain to many other domains, another issue lies in finding an evidence that proves proficiency.
Seeing the result of each approach makes them even more complementary, there are things that we learn in school that aren't taught by life and vice-versa. We can't exclude one from the other, both methods come up with greater results and give birth to many categories of youth generation that compose the society, we can't have a society full of doctors and lawyers only. It requires thinkers and executor on so many levels in order to have a stable and compact society that serves its people.
Partenariat Réd-DIG-"Liberté"(#RDL)/NOMAD (EPAU)

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